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Yes Christmas is over, yes it's cold, but things don't have to be all doom and gloom! Let's take a look at some fun ways to brighten up your January...
How can you make things a little easier for local wildlife during the winter? Click here to read our top tips...
There are many benefits of neutering your pet, whether it being a dog, a cat or a rabbit. Here, you can read all you need to know about the procedure...
We know only too well how frightened animals can become at this time of year with some eight million of our pets now having a firework phobia...
Whether you're heading out trick-or-treating or you're staying in to eat chocolates and other snacks, our top tips will help you keep your pets safe during Halloween...
New dog-breeding laws will be implemented in October 2018. They will call for all dog breeders, who intend to make a profit from the sale of their pups, to have a license...
Do you ever wonder what your dog would say if they could speak? Course you do - we all do! Perhaps some time years in the future, eh? Until then, there's always body language...
WOW........our amazing new ultrasound scanner
There are measures you can take to drastically lower the chances of your pet coming down with heatstroke, but sometimes accidents happen. Find information on both here...
Fleas, ticks and worms - three words pet owners dread, right? But as long as you're administering the right treatments at the right time, there's really nothing to worry about...
High blood pressure is more common in cats and dogs than you might think. It often doesn't leave many clear symptoms, so we take a look at how best to keep an eye on your pet...
Did you know that pets can get sunburnt too? From changing your walks to visiting your groomer, we've laid out some tips for keeping your pets cool during the hot weather...