Clare Vet Group's home page
Ballyclare 028 9332 2223
Whiteabbey 028 9036 5573
Carrickfergus 028 9332 9385
Cavehill 028 9071 8134


Services for pets

“Looking after your pet is what we do best”

We want to ensure your pet stays as healthy as possible and if they ever do fall sick or are injured, we will aim to do everything we can to get them fit and healthy again.

We aim to provide you with a professional, high quality veterinary service, offering the highest possible standards of veterinary care for your pet, that is why at Clare Veterinary Hospital we provide a 24 hour emergency service. This means your pet will have veterinary care, no matter what time of day it is!

We also have full access to your pets’ clinical history so we know exactly what is going on.

All of our clinics offer consultations on an appointment basis, these times can be seen under each clinic.   

However, to contact us in an emergency please call the EMERGENCY LINE on 028 933 22223.

Our 24-hour policy,  ensures there is one vet on call, one vet on standby and one nurse on call every night.

Our passionate team of nurses, also provide your pet with many clinics to support their health and well-being such as a weight management clinic, well pet clinic, puppy and kitten clinics and much more!!



Even before your puppy arrives home you need to think about the best care you can give 



There is lots to think about when preparing for a new kitten



Information on microchipping your pet and how it helps towards being reunited 

Travel Scheme

Travel Scheme

Information on PETS Travel Scheme 

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