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Travel Scheme

Information on PETS Travel Scheme

PETS Travel Scheme enables you to avoid putting your cat or dog into quarantine when you travel to certain countries (most countries in Western Europe & Scandinavia), enabling you to take your pet with you on holiday. To qualify for exemption from quarantine, you must meet various conditions relating to your pet’s health.

The conditions are set out in brief below. We strongly recommend visiting the government website for the latest and full information, at least, nine months in advance of your travel date.

Animal diseases which also affect human health

There are four main exotic diseases related to animals travelling to Europe, which affect animal and human health :


  • Spread by sandflies 
  • Present in Europe, Middle East and many tropical countries
  • Organism can cause disease in humans


  • Disease of cattle and other mammals
  • Transmitted by ticks
  • Present worldwide, including in some areas of UK and mainland Europe, and particularly in southern France


  • Adult worms live in the heart and blood vessels
  • Dogs most commonly infected – but cats and ferrets can be too 
  • Transmitted by mosquitoes
  • Mainly in hot countries – including France and Spain


  • Affects dogs, horses and people

Please contact DAERA for the most current travel advice.

If you are travelling to a country outside of the EU please contact DAERA for the latest advice or visit their website

Travelling with pets – DAERA -

When travelling with your pet dog, cat or ferret, the rules you must follow depend on the country you are going to or coming from.

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